Archive | August 2015

Catching Up Blogging

The last two years have been exceedingly busy with the registration of so many Lane County residents with Trillium/OHP.  We have had the pleasure to see lots of new patients from this insurance Medicaid plan.  Many parents come with questions regarding selectively and specifically vaccinating their kids.  Education and evaluation of risk factors and susceptibility are important to adjusting and administering vaccinations using an individualized scheduling according to the child and family presentation.  An example of this change to a CDC recommendation:  if a mom at the time of birthing does not have Hepatitis B – why would we have a newborn injected with Hepatitis B vaccination within 24 hours of delivery.   Research shows that because of mom’s natural passive immunity to infant,  the best time to vaccinate is after breast feeding and perhaps after a child is past 1 year old.

Pertussis is a concern in this part of the world.  Naturopathic medicine is great for prevention and treatment.  Vaccinating siblings and parents of age 0-3 provides some immune protection to an infant.  In high risk situations, following CDC recommendations is possible.  Research has not been utilized to confirm the validity of the CDC schedule for the most optimal timing of vaccinating.  As a practitioner, Dr Kelly reviews each client individually.

I have heard parents say their pediatricians will not provide health care due to Trillium/OHP not paying the practitioner if the child is not following the CDC schedule for vaccination.  Dr Kelly believes this is unethical medical practice and coercive.

Have a wonderful rest of the summer months.  Blessings to the onset of rain in our region.  Keep our fire fighters safe.