Archive | January 2013

A New Year and Renewal of Health Commitments

How often do we turn the corner in a new year and reflect on what we can do to improve our overall health and well being.  Here are a few suggestions: 1.  Fresh air everyday.  Take time even in the rain to be outside and breath in the cool wet air.  This helps to energize your body through your lungs. 2.  Walk 10-30 minutes daily.  It’s not the weather; it’s our gear.  Even if you only make it around the block, you have taken time to move your body and see what’s going on in the neighborhood.  Strive for 7000-10,000 steps daily. 3.  Drink water – at least four – eight ounces glasses; but for every cup of caffeine, drink four cups of water.  If you have cardiac problems or blood pressure problems – please, consult with your primary care provider. 4.  Eat three meals daily with protein sources in each meal.  This can be a vegetarian or meat source of protein.  Refrain from eating processed foods, fast foods, white sugar and white flour products – unless you are celebrating a birthday! Life is too short. 4.Find time for laughter and enjoyment or reflection and quiet.  5.  Take part in an activity in your community weekly.  You might attend a concert, walk to the play-ground and watch children, volunteer at a school or event, go to a neighborhood meeting, or check on an elderly neighbor.  Engage yourself in your community.

Have a wonderful and transitional 2013