Japanese Nuclear Activity May Pose Radiation Exposure to US

Due to the earthquake and subsequent damage to the nuclear plants in Japan, the potential for radiation exposure from the cloud/storm systems traveling across the Pacific ocean presents itself. The expected land fall of the Pacific front would be sometime this week3/16-18, 2011.

Treatment – Seaweed combinations of Wakame, Kombu, Kelp, Fronds, Iridea, Fucus… will help to offset one’s exposure to the radioactive iodine, strontium, and cesium.  Taking potassium iodine or Lugol’s solution will help to saturate Iodine receptors on the thyroid, also; but this will not reduce other radioactive elements from being absorbed.

Treat your animals, also with the seaweed powder.  1-2 tsp daily or 600-1200 mg 2-3 times daily.  For children the dose would be half.

Powder can be dusted on popcorn, potatoes, salads, vegetables, or anywhere where a salty flavor (somewhat fishy) would be palatable.  You can also just encapsulate the powder and take 6-10 (00) caps daily.

email with questions.